Keeping Customers on Your Mind

Customers need to be touched. They will come back to you if they are thinking about you. And they may be thinking about you if you are thinking about them!

Here are a few ideas to keep your business at the top of your customers’ minds:

Ask your existing clients what you are doing right…and what you can do better. The best way to get a new client is to impress an existing one. There are many ways to measure the happiness of your existing clients. A customer satisfaction survey is a simple way to find out how people are thinking and to measure the ROI of your marketing efforts.

Ask those same existing customers for more business. Yes, it’s hard to ask for more business from current customers. It may be easier to ask for new business from a prospect…but it is rarely more profitable. Keep in touch with your current customers with personalized direct mail, satisfaction surveys, e-mails, and personal visits. Don’t assume your current clients already know everything you can do for them. Reach out and remind them.

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Read More Tips and Marketing Ideas

By: Paula Fargo

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